2009年4月28日 星期二




2009年4月1日 星期三

Perfect Match

像戀愛關係,敦厚的嫌沒有火花,有才華的嫌他風流成性,志趣相投但相處不來,尋尋覓覓才發現人無完美,假如彼此有緣,不如多感恩,少投訴。街上碰見那些老夫老妻,未必都是perfect match,他們羸了時間,靠的是生活態度,並不都是天生一對。世上沒有太多perfect match。
很記得Two Days in Paris結尾的對白。長相廝守,不過因為你再忍受不了另一次分離。找完美對象,時間可以花少一點,倒是如何相愛,才該窮盡一生的時間,對吧。
It always fascinated me how people go from loving you madly to nothing at all, nothing. It hurts so much. When I feel someone is going to leave me, I have a tendency to break up first before I get to hear the whole thing. Here it is. One more, one less. Another wasted love story. I really love this one. When I think that its over, that I'll never see him again like this... well yes, I'll bump into him, we'll meet our new boyfriend and girlfriend, act as if we had never been together, then we'll slowly think of each other less and less until we forget each other completely. Almost.
Always the same for me. Break up, break down. Drunk up, fool around. Meet one guy, then another, fuck around. Forget the one and only. Then after a few months of total emptiness start again to look for true love, desperately look everywhere and after two years of loneliness meet a new love and swear it is the one, until that one is gone as well.
There's a moment in life where you can't recover any more from another break-up. And even if this person bugs you sixty percent of the time, well you still can’t live without him. And even if he wakes you up every day by sneezing right in your face, well you love his sneezes more than anyone else's kisses.
That is what love truly means, I guess.